
10 years time

i just happened to be listening to noah and the whale all day long yesterday, accompanying my ears studying for this horrid exam (though when you check my last.fm it'd be kasabian that played all day yesterday, i didn't turn off the laptop and 'cheated' with my ipod, so...). so, this particular song titled '5 years time' (it's a favourite, believe me) came into shuffle and that made me kind of wondering what's my future like. well 5 years will go really fast, so i'll just multiply it into 10 years. it is not what i'll be, but more like 'what i want my future like'. so, here goes the list of my future wants in 10 years time ahead.
  1. graduate from college, in a good way, i just care getting my degree (for my parents only) though i'm not that interested with the major, really.
  2. work in a museum as a curator or whatever, i just want to see sculptures and paintings everyday.
  3. get married and have a son. and live in somewhere in europe. (if it's '15 years time' i'll add 'a son and twins daughters', please let there be twins)
  4. this is not much, but my blogs will be popular. like my tumblr followers reach 3,000 followers or such, and my blogspot reaches, i don't know, like a lot followers. but supposedly, i don't really care much if i have a lot of followers or whatever, if there're people who reads and visits my blogs, i'll die happily.
  5. travel europe, in a minimum way (stuffs and costs), with a perfect partner in crime.
  6. create my own shop of printed tees.
  7. write books, two at least, five at most. i guess i'll finish my current writings when a ship called 'holiday' comes into my 'harbour of desperately-need-to-graduate-college'. it usually comes within summer breaks.
  8. cook a lot of kinds of foods. not just main courses, i want to bake cakes!
  9. paint. i will paint as much as i have time to paint. with no worries of exams and GPAs to impress parents.
  10. i know i'm appeared to hate college, but deep down i want to take post-graduate degree though i'm not sure what major it's going to be.
  11. have a lot of picnic trips to lakes, beaches, grassfields, any fields, to have quality times with my cameras. and in the future i will do this weekly, so that i can upload something into my flickr.
  12. go to ikea monthly.
  13. design my own house.
  14. ice skates once a week cause skating is the only sport i'm good at.
  15. be a good swimmer.
and i bet the list is still going on and on and on....


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